Case number: 2:24-bk-25495 - TW Medical Group LLC and Taylor G. Wright, P.C. - Utah Bankruptcy Court

Case Information
  • Case title

    TW Medical Group LLC and Taylor G. Wright, P.C.

  • Court

    Utah (utbke)

  • Chapter


  • Judge

    Joel T. Marker

  • Filed


  • Last Filing


  • Asset


  • Vol


Docket Header

U.S. Bankruptcy Court
District of Utah (Salt Lake City)
Bankruptcy Petition #: 24-25495

Assigned to: Joel T. Marker
Chapter 11

Date filed:  10/23/2024
341 meeting:  11/21/2024 10:00 AM
Original Deadline for filing claims:  02/19/2025
Deadline for filing claims (govt.):  04/21/2025


TW Medical Group LLC

6405 South 3000 East
Suite 300
Salt Lake City, UT 84121
Tax ID / EIN: 83-4232881
Innovation Medical Group

Utah Foot & Ankle

represented by
George B. Hofmann

Cohne Kinghorn PC
111 East Broadway
11th Floor
Salt Lake City, UT 84111
(801) 363-4300
Fax : (801) 363-4378

Jacob B Stone

Pia Hoyt, LLC
170 S. Main Street
Ste 1100
Salt Lake City, UT 84101
Fax : 801-350-9010

Jeffrey L. Trousdale

Cohne Kinghorn
111 E. Broadway, 11th Floor
Salt Lake City, UT 84111

Debtor In Possession

Taylor G. Wright, P.C.

6405 South 3000 East, Suite 300
Salt Lake City, UT 84121
Tax ID / EIN: 47-1319262

represented by
Theodore Floyd Stokes

Stokes Law PLLC
2072 North Main Suite 102
North Logan, UT 84341
Fax : 888-443-1529



95 S State Street Suite 2500
Salt Lake City, UT 84111
United States

represented by
Ellen E. Ostrow

Foley & Lardner LLP
95 South State St
Ste 2500
Salt Lake City, UT 84111
Fax : 385-709-8429

U.S. Trustee

United States Trustee

Washington Federal Bank Bldg.
405 South Main Street
Suite 300
Salt Lake City, UT 84111
represented by
Matthew James Burne

Office of the United States Trustee
405 South Main Street
Suite 300
Salt Lake City, UT 84111
Fax : 801-524-5628

Debtor(s) email addresses used for BNC noticing ONLY

Latest Dockets

Date Filed#Docket Text
12/06/2024Notice of Endorsement(related document(s):99 Pending Order Re: 9 Motion to Use Cash Collateral and Motion for Adequate Protection. (Hofmann, George) [Order# 457369]). Endorsed with no objection Filed by United States Trustee. (Burne, Matthew) (EOD: 12/06/2024)
12/06/2024100Motion For Sanctions for Violation of the Automatic Stay Against Weave Communications, Inc. Filed by TW Medical Group LLC. (Hofmann, George) (EOD: 12/06/2024)
12/05/202499Pending Order Re: 9 Motion to Use Cash Collateral and Motion for Adequate Protection. (Hofmann, George) [Order# 457369] (EOD: 12/05/2024)
12/04/202498PDF with attached Audio File. Court Date & Time [ 12/4/2024 3:00:12 PM ]. File Size [ 4426 KB ]. Run Time [ 00:09:13 ]. (Final Hearing on Debtors' Motion for Order Approving Use of Cash Collateral and Providing for Adequate Protection on a Final Basis [docket #9]). (admin). (EOD: 12/04/2024)
12/04/2024Minute Entry Re: 9 Motion to Use Cash Collateral,Motion for Adequate Protection Filed by TW Medical Group LLC. Appearances: George B. Hofmann (DB/TW Medical Group LLC); Matthew Burne (UST); Ted Stokes (DB/Taylor G. Wright, P.C.); Micah Daines (Cache Valley Bank); Joseph Covey (TVT 2.0, LLC/CT Corp. Systems); David Leigh (Red Desert Ventures LP). Objection filed by TVT 2.0, LLC withdrawn on the record. Proffered testimony of Zachary Paul is received. Motion is granted on a final basis through 02/17/2025. If necessary, a stipulation to extend the deadline may be filed with 7 days' notice. OTF-Hofmann (mfr) (EOD: 12/04/2024)
12/04/202497Notice of Appearance and Request for Notice. Filed by ProVas. (Ostrow, Ellen) (EOD: 12/04/2024)
12/04/202496PDF with attached Audio File. Court Date & Time [ 12/4/2024 11:00:39 AM ]. File Size [ 4300 KB ]. Run Time [ 00:08:58 ]. (Motion for Relief from Stay Filed by SES 004, LLC). (admin). (EOD: 12/04/2024)
12/04/2024Minute Entry Re: 38 Motion for Relief From Stay Filed by SES 004, LLC. Appearances: Timothy Deans (SES 004, LLC); Jacob B Stone (DB). Motion is granted in part. Debtor to pay the rent for November and December by 12/18/2024 or relief from stay will be granted. OTF-Deans. Pending Order Deadline due by 12/18/2024. (mfr) (EOD: 12/04/2024)
12/02/202495Report of Actual Receipts and Disbursements Versus Budget Filed by TW Medical Group LLC. (Hofmann, George) (EOD: 12/02/2024)
12/02/202494Withdrawal of Document (related document(s):71 Objection) Filed by Cache Valley Bank. (Daines, Micah) (EOD: 12/02/2024)