Case number: 1:23-bk-11315 - GMS Sunset LLC - Virginia Eastern Bankruptcy Court

Case Information
  • Case title

    GMS Sunset LLC

  • Court

    Virginia Eastern (vaebke)

  • Chapter


  • Judge

    Klinette H. Kindred

  • Filed


  • Last Filing


  • Asset


  • Vol


Docket Header
U.S. Bankruptcy Court
Eastern District of Virginia (Alexandria)
Bankruptcy Petition #: 23-11315-KHK

Assigned to: Klinette H. Kindred
Chapter 11

Date filed:  08/17/2023
341 meeting:  09/14/2023
Deadline for filing claims:  12/13/2023
Deadline for filing claims (govt.):  02/13/2024


GMS Sunset LLC

1141 Elden Street, Ste. 224
Herndon, VA 20170
Tax ID / EIN: 33-1060039

represented by
Nathan A. Fisher

Fisher-Sandler, LLC
3977 Chain Bridge Road, #2
Fairfax, VA 22030
(703) 691-1642
Fax : (703) 691-0192

Debtor Designee

George Cholakis

1141 Elden Street
Suite 224
Herndon, VA 20170

U.S. Trustee

Gerard R. Vetter

Office of the U.S. Trustee - Region 4
1725 Duke Street
Suite 650
Alexandria, VA 22314
represented by
Kristen S. Eustis

Office of the United States Trustee
1725 Duke Street, Suite 650
Alexandria, VA 22314
(703) 557-7227

Latest Dockets

Date Filed#Docket Text
02/14/202457BNC certificate of mailing of order (Re: related document(s)55 Order and Notice for Hearing on Disclosure Statement) (Admin.) (Entered: 02/15/2024)
02/12/202456Notice Fixing Time for Hearing on Disclosure Statement (Re: related document(s)55 Order and Notice for Hearing on Disclosure Statement) Hearing to be held on 3/26/2024 at 12:00 PM at Judge Kindred's Courtroom, 200 S. Washington Street, 3rd Floor, Courtroom III, Alexandria, VA. (Attachments: # 1 Memo Re: Fixing Hearing on Disclosure Statement) (Avery, Demetria)
02/12/202455Order and Notice for Hearing on Disclosure Statement (Re: related document(s)53 Disclosure Statement filed by GMS Sunset LLC) (Avery, Demetria)
02/07/202454Notice of Hearing (Re: related document(s)50 Notice of Deficient Filing Issued, 53 Disclosure Statement filed by GMS Sunset LLC) filed by Nathan A. Fisher on behalf of GMS Sunset LLC. Hearing scheduled for 3/26/2024 at 12:00 PM at Judge Kindred's Courtroom, 200 S. Washington Street, 3rd Floor, Courtroom III, Alexandria, VA. (Attachments: # 1 Copy of Disclosure Statement # 2 Service List)(Fisher, Nathan)
02/07/202453Disclosure Statement (Amended) filed by Nathan A. Fisher on behalf of GMS Sunset LLC. (Fisher, Nathan)
01/27/202452BNC certificate of mailing of order (Re: related document(s)51 Order Directing) (Admin.) (Entered: 01/28/2024)
01/25/202451Order Extending Stipulation and Consent Order for Interim Use of Cash Collateral (Re: related document(s)32 Order on Motion for Use, Sale, or Lease of Property Under Section 363(f)) (Avery, Demetria)
01/25/202450Notice of Deficient Filing Issued to Nathan A. Fisher, Esq. regarding Document does not match the event entry used for docketing. Please review this filing and redocket using the correct event entry Disclosure Statement. As a result of the deficiency noted above, at the direction of the Court, the hearing has been cancelled. (Re: related document(s)47 Statement filed by GMS SUNSET LLC) Document(s) due by 2/8/2024. (Avery, Demetria)
01/23/202449Hearing continued; Interim Use of Cash Collateral Extended through 4/23/2024; Consent Order to be Submitted (related document(s): 18 Motion for Use, Sale or Lease of Property under Section 363 filed by GMS SUNSET LLC) Appearances: Nathan A. Fisher, Jack Frankel Hearing scheduled for 04/23/2024 at 12:00 PM at Judge Kindred's Courtroom, 200 S. Washington Street, 3rd Floor, Courtroom III, Alexandria, VA. (DaynaMace) (Entered: 01/24/2024)
01/23/202448Notice of Hearing (Re: related document(s)47 Statement filed by GMS SUNSET LLC) filed by Nathan A. Fisher on behalf of GMS SUNSET LLC. Hearing scheduled for 3/12/2024 at 12:00 PM at Judge Kindred's Courtroom, 200 S. Washington Street, 3rd Floor, Courtroom III, Alexandria, VA. (Attachments: # 1 Service List # 2 Copy of Disclosure Statement)(Fisher, Nathan)