Case number: 4:24-bk-50914 - Caribbean Gourmet Delights, Inc. - Virginia Eastern Bankruptcy Court

Case Information
  • Case title

    Caribbean Gourmet Delights, Inc.

  • Court

    Virginia Eastern (vaebke)

  • Chapter


  • Judge

    Frank J. Santoro

  • Filed


  • Last Filing


  • Asset


  • Vol


Docket Header
Subchapter_V, SmallBus, PlnDue, REPEAT

U.S. Bankruptcy Court
Eastern District of Virginia (Newport News)
Bankruptcy Petition #: 24-50914-FJS

Assigned to: Chief Judge Frank J. Santoro
Chapter 11

Date filed:  12/06/2024
341 meeting:  01/09/2025
Deadline for filing claims:  02/14/2025
Deadline for filing claims (govt.):  06/04/2025


Caribbean Gourmet Delights, Inc.

14501-M Warwick Blvd
Newport News, VA 23608
Tax ID / EIN: 46-1234752

represented by
Sherman C. Smith

11712-C Jefferson Av #427
Newport News, VA 23606
(757) 947-4747

Debtor Designee

Victor Porter

14501-M Warwick Blvd
Newport News, VA 23608


Paul A. Driscoll

Zemanian Law Group
223 East City Hall Avenue, Suite 201
Norfolk, VA 23510

U.S. Trustee

Gerard R. Vetter

Office of the U.S. Trustee, Region 4 -NN
200 Granby Street, Room 625
Norfolk, VA 23510
represented by
Kenneth N. Whitehurst, III

Office of the U. S. Trustee
200 Granby Street, 625 Federal Building
Norfolk, VA 23510

Latest Dockets

Date Filed#Docket Text
12/20/202422U.S. Treasury receipt of Schedule(s) and/or Statement(s), Lists Filed( 24-50914-FJS) [misc,2011] ( 34.00) filing fee. Receipt number A36773518, amount $ 34.00. (Re: Doc#21) (U.S. Treasury)
12/20/202421Individual Schedule(s) and/or Statement(s), Lists - Additional Creditors - (Re: related document(s) 9 LBR 1007-1, and/or 1007-3, and/or 3015 Case Filing/Plan Deficiency) filed by Sherman C. Smith on behalf of Caribbean Gourmet Delights, Inc.. (Smith, Sherman)
12/14/202420BNC certificate of mailing of order (Re: related document(s)14 Scheduling Order) (Admin.) (Entered: 12/15/2024)
12/14/202419Notice of Electronic Filing Procedure (Admin.) (Entered: 12/15/2024)
12/14/202418Notice of Meeting of Creditors (Re: related document(s) 12 Request for Notice of Meeting of Creditors) (Admin.) (Entered: 12/15/2024)
12/14/202417Notice of LBR 3015-1 Deficiency (Re: related document(s) 13 3016-1 Case Filing/Plan Deficiency) (Admin.) (Entered: 12/15/2024)
12/12/202416BNC certificate of mailing of order (Re: related document(s)10 Order of Designation) (Admin.) (Entered: 12/13/2024)
12/12/202415Clerk's Certificate of Mailing. A copy of this document was mailed by electronic means or first class mail postage prepaid to all parties in interest herein as required by the Bankruptcy Code, Bankruptcy Rules and Local Rules. (Re: related document(s)14 Scheduling Order) (Glenn, Jillinda)
12/12/202414Scheduling Order. Status Conference scheduled 1/17/2025 at 09:30 AM at Newport News Courtroom, U.S. Courthouse, 2400 West Avenue, Newport News, VA. (Glenn, Jillinda)
12/12/202413LBR 3016-1 Chapter 11 Subchapter V Plan Deficiency; and Hearing Thereon. Chapter 11 Plan Small Business Subchapter V Due by 3/6/2025. Hearing scheduled for 3/21/2025 at 09:30 AM at Newport News Courtroom, U.S. Courthouse, 2400 West Avenue, Newport News, VA. (Glenn, Jillinda)